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Returns the type of view for the values of the specified column.






<oBrowser>:GetColumnViewValueAs(<oColumn>) Æ symValueView


<oColumn>The column for which the type of view is to be determined.
Data type:bDataColumn

Return Value

symValueViewThe determined type of view. The table below defines the supported view style:


View Style



For each value in the owner of the bBrowser the callback method DrawValue() is called, if this is defined. As argument an event of the class bDrawValueEvent will passed to the method.


Display as CheckBox without box.


Display as CheckBox.


Display as ComboBox.


Display as bComboEdit.


Display as PushButton.


If the PushButton is pressed during an cell edit, in the owner of the bBrowser the method ButtonClick() is called. In the passed event the symbol name of the column can be determined with the access ControlEvent:NameSym.


Display as RTF text.


Display as Text.

Data type:Symbol


The view style of the column values is determined by the access bDataColumn:ViewValueAs. If that access returns the value NULL_SYMBOL, the view style is determined dependent on the data type of the column values.


If the data type is LOGIC the view style from the access bBrowser:ViewLogicAs is used. Contains that the value NULL_SYMBOL likewise, the values are displayed as text.


If the data type is OBJECT the class name of the column values is determined. Objects of the classes Bitmap, Icon and bCompoundValue are displayed directly by the bBrowser. For all other classes in the owner of the bBrowser the callback method DrawValue() is called, if it is defined. As argument an event of the class bDrawValueEvent will passed to the method.


For all other data types the values are displayed as text.

See Also





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