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A logical or symbolic value that indicates whether the table cursor is moved automatically to the previous/next row if the keys KeyArrowLeft, KeyArrowRight or KeyTab is pressed.




Access / Assign

Data Type

Logic | Symbol


The following modes are supported:





The table cursor is not moved automatically to the previous/next row.


The table cursor is moved

to the first column of the next row if the key KeyArrowRight or KeyTab is pressed and the table cursor is at the last column. In order to use KeyTab, bBrowser:TabKeyMode must be set.
to the last column of the previous row if the key KeyArrowLeft or KeyTab + KeyShift is pressed and the table cursor is at the first column. In order to use KeyTab, bBrowser:TabKeyMode must be set.


If the table cursor is on

the last column and the key KeyTab is pressed then the focus is moved to the next control. Only when the bBrowser gets focus with the Tab Key again, then the table cursor is moved to the first column in the next row. Additionally the bBrowser:TabKeyMode must be set.
the first column and the keys KeyShift + KeyTab is pressed then the focus is moved to the previous control. Only when the bBrowser gets the focus by the keys KeyShift + KeyTab again, then the table cursor is moved to the last column in the previous row. Additionally the bBrowser:TabKeyMode must be set.


After creating a bBrowser control, this access contains the value FALSE.

See Also



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