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Appends an empty record to the server.






<oBrowser>:Append() Æ lSuccess

Return Value

lSuccessA logical value that indicates whether a record was appended.
TRUEThe record was appended.
FALSEThe record could not be appended.
Data type:Logic


bBrowser:Append() appends an empty record to the server. Any active edit is terminated beforehand. If an error occurs with the termination, the Append is also broken off.


If an index is active in the server, the new record is shown in browser in the logical order sequence, otherwise it is positioned as the last record.


There are two steps within each call to the method bBrowser:RecordAppend(). RecordAppend() first checks whether the owner of the browser has a method of the same name and calls it if it does. Within this method, the owner can thus exert influence on the appending. The 2 steps are defined as follows:

1.Inquire whether an append is allowed
Before the browser executes an append on the linked data server, it calls the method RecordAppend() with the mode BRA_QUERYAPPEND in the owner if this is defined. If the method returns the value FALSE the append is aborted.
2.The append was executed
After the append was successfully executed the browser calls the method RecordAppend() with the mode BRA_APPENDED in the owner if this is defined. Within this part of the method the owner can initialize the new record
3.Error in append
If the append caused an error the browser calls the method RecordAppend() with the mode BRA_APPENDFAILURE, again in the Owner, if this is defined.

See Also




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